数据清洗转换 (Data wangling)
- DescTools (Tools for describing data and descriptive statistics)
- dplyr (面向data.frame,plyr的下次迭代,让R具有流式数据处理的风格)
- plyr (有用的ddply函数,参考http://www.r-bloggers.com/a-fast-intro-to-plyr-for-r/)
- reshape (数据变形的基本操作,丰富但底层)
- reshape2 (功能强大的melt和cast数据融合函数,reshape简版)
- tidyr (功能简单实用的长宽数据变化,reshape2简版)
绘图及颜色 (Colors and plots)
- colorRamps (多种颜色梯度生成,如matlab风格的颜色)
- Colors in ggplot2 (http://bit.do/SDnT)
- colorspace (Carries out mapping between assorted color spaces including RGB, HSV, HLS, CIEXYZ, CIELUV, HCL.)
- dichromat (Focused on palettes for color-impaired viewers. Collapse red-green or green-blue distinctions to simulate the effects of different types of color-blindness.)
- ggplot2 (小清新绘图,事实上比基础绘图函数强大很多)
- ggvis (交互式数据可视化)
- gplots (一些加强版数据可视化函数,如boxplot2)
- grDevices (The base colors in core R, including well-known functions like colors, palette.)
- gridExtra (帮助ggplot2实现窗格布局,类似于基础包里的layout,mfrow函数)
- IDPmisc (Contains different high-level graphics functions for displaying large datasets)
- plotrix (多种不常见但可能有用的图形)
- RColorBrewer (The packages provides palettes for drawing nice maps shaded according to a variable)
- rgl (支持3D图形、视频生成,包括多种格式)
- scatterplot3d (绘制3D的散点图或平面)
模型和机器学习 (Machine learning)
- caret (The “go to” package for machine learning, classification and regression training)
- depmixS4 (Hidden Markov Model及其他dependent mixture model实现)
- e1071 (Good svm implementation and other machine learning algorithms)
- entropy (多种计算序列熵的方法)
- partykit (Tools for plotting decision trees)
- pracma (Functions for numerical analysis, linear algebra, optimization, differential equations and some special functions)
- psych (源自心理学研究人员,table和相关分析等)
- survMisc (Relatively new package with various functions for survival data extending the methods available in the survival package.)
随机分布参数估计 (Parameters estimation)
- fBasics (包含skewness和kurtosis函数)
- fitdistrplus (对MASS包参数估计函数的加强,同时有灵活的QQ图以及分布对比图)
- fitting{brainwaver}
- Goodness-of-test: goodfit{vcd}, chisq.test, ks.test, qqnorm
- MASS (最大似然估计fitdistr函数)
- mixdist (混合模型的参数估计)
- mixtools (混合模型的参数估计,CRAN Cluster View更多关于mixture model 的信息)
- Normality test: shapiro.test, jarque.bera.test{tseries}, sf.test{nortest}, ad.test{nortest}, cvm.test{nortest}, lillie.test{nortest}, pearson.test{nortest}
- poweRlaw (重尾分布参数估计)
- 参数估计函数:optim{stats}, mle{stats4}, fitdistr{MASS}
Misc工具箱 (Misc tookit)
- classInt (包含离散化函数,如绘图中颜色的分阶)
- devtools (R包开发工具箱)
- Hmisc (functions for data analysis, graphics, utilities and much more)
- magicaxis (magplot, magaxis, maglab etc.)
- MASS (各种工具函数)
- misc3d (Misc 3d plots including isosurfaces)
- miscet (Miscellaneous R tools to simplify the working with data types and formats including functions for working with data frames and character strings)
- miscFuncs (Some functions for Kalman filters)
- pryr (深入理解R以及R包开发中的有用工具)
- scales (Scales map data to aesthetics.)
- sfsmisc (eaxis的对数坐标轴可实现类似magicaxis的效果)
- squash (Color-based visualization of multivariate data. Map numeric values to colors)
- stringr (Convenience wrappers for functions for manipulating strings)
优化工具 (Speedup)
- parallel (提供mclapply对lapply()和mapply()实现并行化处理。)
- doParallel (The “parallel backend” for
package. Must be enabled to use%dopar%
.) - foreach (Using foreach without side effects also facilitates executing the loop in parallel.)
- iterators (Support for iterators, which allow a programmer to traverse through all the elements of a vector, list, or other collection of data.)
地图工具 (Map tools)
- deldir (Calculates the Delaunay triangulation and the Dirichlet or Voronoi tessellation (with respect to the entire plane) of a planar point set.)
- geosphere (functions to calculate great circle distance.)
- GISTools (Some mapping and spatial data manipulation tools)
- mapmisc (New package with utilities for producing maps)
- mapproj (Mapping between lon/lat coordinates and projected surface.)
- maps (Display of maps. Projection code and larger maps are in separate packages (mapproj and mapdata)).
- maptools (Set of tools for manipulating and reading geographic data)
- NCmisc (A grab bag of utilities including progress bars and function timers)
- OpenStreetMap (Interfaces to OSM.)
- osmar (Interfaces to OSM.)
- splancs (Spatial Point-Pattern Analysis code in Splus.)
时空数据分析包 (Spatiotemporal)
- CompRandFld - Collect a set of procedures for the analysis of Random Fields by Composite Likelihood methods.
- fields (Fields is for curve, surface and function fitting with an emphasis on splines, spatial data and spatial statistics.)
- geoR (Geostatistical analysis including traditional, likelihood-based and Bayesian methods.Geostatistical analysis including traditional, likelihood-based and Bayesian methods.)
- gstat (Variogram modelling; simple, ordinary and universal point or block (co)kriging, sequential Gaussian or indicator (co)simulation; variogram and variogram map plotting utility functions.)
- PBSmapping (Facilitate the compilation and analysis of fishery data, particularly data referenced by spatial coordinates.)
- RandomFields (Simulation of Gaussian and extreme value random fields; conditional simulation; kriging; maximum likelihood estimation.)
- raster (Reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of gridded spatial data.)
- rgdal (Provides bindings to GDAL)
- sp (Basic spatial and temporal classes and useful functions like spplot, Trellis plot, spDists, spsample.)
- spacetime (Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data, including space-time regular lattices, sparse lattices, irregular data, and trajectories)
- spdep (Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics and Models)
- xts (Uniform handling of R’s different time-based data classes by extending zoo)
- zoo (For Regular and Irregular Time Serie)
空间相关性 (Spatial correlation)
- ade4 - This package has function gearymoran that calculates Moran’s I and Geary’s c. Does not plot correlograms.
- ape - Moran’s I test (function Moran.I) for spatial and phylogenetic autocorrelation (based on normal approximation, not on randomizations = fast). Does not plot correlograms.
- geosphere - a bunch of spherical trigonometry functions for geographic applications.
- mpmcorrelogram - I include it as a curiosity. It calculates Multivariate Mantel Correlograms.
- ncf - Provides functions correlog and spline.correlog. Plots correlograms. Does randomization tests.
- pgirmess - Has function correlog that calculates the correlogram. It uses normal approximation to test significance.
- raster - Simple function Moran. Works on rasters. You need to specify a simple neighborhood matrix. Does not plot correlograms.
- spatial - If I understand it correctly, this package first needs you to fit a trend surface (by kriging) and you can then calculate correlogram of this fitted surface. I haven’t gone deeper into it.
spdep - sp.correlogram, moran, moran.plot, moran.test, moran.mc. This is the most comprehensive package, and also the most difficult to work with. Does everything, has steep learning curve.
- 参考: http://www.r-bloggers.com/spatial-correlograms-in-r-a-mini-overview/
其他资源 (Public domains)
- R-bloggers: http://www.r-bloggers.com/
- Quick R: http://www.statmethods.net/
- CRAN Task View: http://cran.r-project.org/web/views/
- Advanced R: http://adv-r.had.co.nz/
- Quick list of useful R packages: http://bit.do/2cB6
- 让R成为你的GIS仓库: http://bit.ly/1twJPvI
- 统计中的样本检验基础和R实践: http://bit.ly/1Dy5uFZ
- 多源包搜索引擎: http://www.rdocumentation.org/