
「Where innovation never stops.」

Neurosymbolic AI (Part I)

Why self-explanation matters

The success of LLMs has triggered a new wave of prosperity of AI researches. The market, supply chains and end-users have been educated in a unprecedented depth about AI capabilities in this wave. ...


Ontology Framework

概述 本文总结当前主流的语义网络(知识图谱)领域的本体描述框架,包括理论,语言和系统。其中本体论介绍相关理论发展,以及大家对其形而上学的争论;本体工程介绍若干基础和领域的本体概念集;本体语言介绍典型的知识表示语言及其发展过程。最后展望在大语言模型变革下的本体论技术发展趋势。 简史 符号知识系统的发展,从最初的通用问题解决器GPS 到最近的语义网络和知识图谱,经历了多次的基础理论迭代和系...

What Lisp Surprises Me

S-expr and evaluation A lisp program is a set of s-expressions. The basic of s-expressions are lists and atoms. An atom is a non-list or the empty list. Lists are delimited by parentheses and cont...

What Javascript Surprises Me

背景 我比较喜欢研究计算机语言理论。所有的计算机语言来自于历史上诸多计算机学者和工程人 员的努力。每种语言都有生而为之的特征。每年都有诸多计算机语言诞生,而追寻每种语言 背后的故事以及了解它们的与众不同的特点,很有意思。这是What X surprises me系列文 章之一,记录某种语言的设计特点在我的认知中带来某种惊讶或惊喜。有点钟书先生《管锥 编》异曲同工之意。这篇有关Javasci...

Knowledge Representation and Large Graph Models (Part I)

Intro An efficient representation of knowledge/logics lies at the core of knowledge computing engines. This requirement is also one of vital pieces of future artificial general intelligence (AGI)....

Four Ways of Knowledge Representation

Knowledge representation involves representing the key concepts and relations between the decision variables in some formal manner, typically within a framework suggested by an expert systems shell...

Note on Cognitive Architecture

Here is some take-away note about Cognitive Architecture on MIT course 6.S099: Artificial General Intelligence. Original video on YouTube. Background Cognitive architecture is a theoretical frame...

Project Sapientia

Introduction There are many reasons and motivations for me to initiate this new project whose name coded as Sapientia. The primary part is that I was frustrated by small and even-no progress of kn...

How JIT optimizes code

The JIT compilation consists of five stages: Inlining Inlining is the process by which the trees of smaller methods are merged, or “inlined”, into the trees of their callers. This speeds up frequ...


Staring Into The Abyss of Knowledge

题记:徘徊在数字的世界里,我有时感觉像个富有的国王,有时又像是暗夜中前行的乞者。我时而站在比特之巅,笑傲群山;时而被逼仄无路,如临深渊… 经过三十多年数字化技术的高速发展,人类积累了巨量的比特数据。如果这句话听起来那么平庸,下面的统计数据会让你有更直观的感受: 2020年人均每秒产生1.7MB数据,每天人类产生2.5EB (1EB=10^9GB) 截至2020年底,整个数字世界...